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“What is chiropractic care?”

Chiropractic care is a health care profession based on interactions of the spine, nervous system and the surrounding muscles.  It focuses on misaligned joints called subluxations as the cause of pain or impaired body function.


“Are chiropractors doctors?”

Yes.  Doctors of Chiropractic (also known as chiropractors) are not medical doctors, but go through a similar education process to become licensed in the field of chiropractic care.  In fact, educational requirements for chiropractors are among the most stringent of any health care profession.

“What types of pain do chiropractors treat?”


Chiropractors are known for their expertise in caring for patients with back pain, neck pain and headaches. They also treat sports injuries and other disorders involving muscles, ligaments and joints throughout the body.

“How do I get a subluxation?”


Subluxations are caused by stresses on the body.  They can be either (1) physical stress (falls, injuries from accidents, improper lifting, repetitive activities), (2) emotional stress or (3) chemical-based stress (drugs, pollutants and poor diet).  

“How do I know if I have a subluxation?”


Pain in your back or joints is often a sign that you have a subluxation.  However, you can have subluxations and not even know it.  It’s similar to a dentist finding a cavity that you didn’t know you had. We perform thorough exams and encourage check ups so we can find and correct any subluxation you may have.

“What is a chiropractic adjustment?”


A chiropractic adjustment is a gentle, controlled force in a precise direction that unlocks joints that are not moving properly.  The adjustment usually involves a quick thrust using the practitioner’s hands, an instrument or a special “drop piece” table.


“Do adjustments hurt?”


Chiropractic manipulation is a highly controlled procedure that rarely causes discomfort because minimal force and gentle pressure are used.  In fact, most patients feel relief immediately following treatment.  Any reported soreness after an initial adjustment has been described as similar to that associated with starting a new exercise program. Drinking plenty of water, using an ice pack, and engaging in light stretching after your first visit can help ease any discomfort and promote healing.


“Are adjustments safe?”

Chiropractic care is widely recognized as one of the safest drug-free, non-invasive therapies available for the treatment of most back and neck problems.  Spinal adjustments are extremely safe when performed by a licensed chiropractor.

“Why do adjustments sometimes make a popping sound?”


The “popping” noises you may hear during an adjustment represents gas bubbles being released from the fluid in the joint.  Not all adjustments and adjusting techniques will produce this sound and thus, the presence or absence of this noise has no bearing on the effectiveness of the adjustment.

“Are all patients adjusted the same way?”

Each patient’s care is unique and therefore customized to meet their specific condition and needs.  Your chiropractor will modify adjustments based on your size, age and health condition.


“Can I adjust myself?”


No!  It takes chiropractors years to master the art of specifically identifying and correcting subluxations.  As a result, it is virtually impossible to adjust oneself correctly and accurately.  Even your chiropractor must rely on a colleague for an adjustment.

“ How many adjustments will I need?”


This depends on your individual condition and your health goals.  Many patients experience relief within the first few visits.  In chronic cases, complete healing may take months or longer.  Your visits become less frequent as your spine stabilizes.  Once the initial condition has been resolved, many patients elect to continue on a wellness basis as part of their preventative health strategy.

“Is back pain common?”

More than 80 percent of people experience lower back pain at some point in their lives.  In fact, it is one of the most reported reasons people miss work and is the second most frequent reason patients visit the doctor.

“Do I have a pinched nerve?”


Pinched nerves are quite rare.  The sensation that has been incorrectly labeled a “pinched nerve” generally is caused by an adjacent, misaligned spinal bone rubbing, stretching or irritating a nerve. It is this subluxation that causes an interruption in proper nerve communication between the brain and body and ultimately, pain or diminished health.

“Can I see a chiropractor if I am pregnant?”

Many pregnant women find that chiropractic adjustments improve the pregnancy experience and make delivery easier.  Adjustments are adapted to accommodate the stage of pregnancy and the unique needs of each patient.


“Can patients with osteoporosis get chiropractic care?”


Absolutely.  There are many ways to adjust the spine.  Based on your condition, we will develop a care plan best suited for your unique circumstances.  There are several “low force” techniques that can safely and effectively deliver the care that you need.

“What if insurance doesn’t cover chiropractic care?”

Though chiropractic care is included in more of today’s insurance plans, many of our patients have little or no coverage.  We do our best to make our care affordable.

Other questions?

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